
Choices and Illusions

by | Oct 3, 2013 | Meditation

Many of us are aware of the limiting beliefs that hold us back from living a life filled with happiness. Or are we?!

In Eldon Taylor’s new book ‘Choices and Illusions’ he describes how the choices we can make are based mostly on the illusions that we deem to be true (referred to numerous times through-out the book as limiting beliefs). He explains how our beliefs and perceptions have moulded the life that we currently live, and those are mostly based on what society dictates and our past experiences.

To this point in time I had not read any previous books that Taylor has written, so I was a little unsure of what I would find. I was, however, more than pleasantly surprised! I found myself highlighting various points in the book that created an A-Ha moment for me. I consistently found myself putting the book down after reading a paragraph or two just so I could process what I had read, and how it rang so true in my life. I even had an awareness that allowed huge growth within myself. Albeit, the awareness itself was a bit hard to swallow but the change that came from it was quite profound.

What I really enjoyed is that Taylor uses stories to get his point across to readers. He references to different situations in his research, previously authored books, or books from other authors, and if at any point I felt the information went a bit ‘over my head’ I was always pleasantly surprised that his stories helped me understand the point behind the context.

Not only does Taylor discuss what is going on in the human mind and human condition but his stories allow insight on how to go about making changes, where change is needed. He offers examples of how our minds work due to limiting beliefs, illusion and perception.

I have to say chapter 13: The Subtraction Game, was my favorite of them all. In this chapter he writes about how fear is a huge driving force behind many of our decisions & actions. Taylor talks about how society makes themselves feel better by taking away from another: “If I make someone else feel inferior, then I have established my own superiority”. Everybody loses this way! If our actions were based on love, the outcome would be so different.” In short, we build esteem by adding, not subtracting, and we add most when we add from unconditional love”. Win-win!

Choices and Illusions invites the reader to scrutinize their thoughts, and do an “honest investigation and evaluation of who we really are”. As Taylor writes “You are the explorer and the vehicle”!

For more information on this eye opening book please visit: http://www.parpromos.com/pp/it/13j/index/J.php.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is ready to take ownership of their life, and who is ready to embark on a journey filled with awareness, growing pains, and a lot of joy. It’ll probably be a book that you come back to time and time again.

“Changing our beliefs may be the most empowering and most difficult aspect of personal growth”