
Feeling Alone With Your Limiting Beliefs. Do You Have To Be?

by | Jun 27, 2014 | Meditation

Experiencing a limiting belief can really create a feeling of loneliness.

Can you think back to a time when you wanted to achieve something but the thoughts going through your mind, and the fear that crept in held you back? Did you feel alone and scared?

Well, here’s the ‘good’ part- you’re not alone!!!! Yup! That’s Right! Each and every one of us has our own set of limiting beliefs and no one (at least not to my knowledge) is an exception to that rule.

Just recently I went to an Andy Dooley workshop where we had to write down our story- meaning we had to write down all of the negative thoughts that we tell ourselves over and over again. This was rather easy for me because being a women’sScreen Shot 2014-06-27 at 4.55.25 PM life coach and helping them overcome their own limiting beliefs, has given me the opportunity to become extremely intimate with my own beliefs.

Doing this exercise with a group of people made me realize that not everyone is as comfortable with their limiting beliefs as I might be. I could feel the energy in the room completely shift when we were asked to share our stories and negative Self thoughts with another person. You could actually feel the panic in the room set in. It’s ok to have these thoughts but to express them to others- that’s whole different can of worms!

But when we started to share what limits we put on ourselves, the stories we tell ourselves, there was a sense of relief that flooded the room. Not only did the person listening to us express disbelief in our beliefs, but sharing led to a sense of connection. We all have our stories and our limiting beliefs- no one is alone in this battle.

After we were done sharing I looked around the room and saw that everyone seemed a little lighter- the energy seemed different. Sometimes just knowing that others are in the same boat can really make a difference in how we feel.

We’re all individuals and unique in our own ways, but we all have limiting beliefs, pasts that haunt us and stories that don’t serve us.

Next time you see someone, know that they have a story too. They have limiting beliefs about themselves that don’t serve them…just like you. This will allow you to drop into your heart centre and have compassion for them….and in turn it just might lead to a sense of connection. Which means that we won’t feel so alone.

Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore-Armstrong, founder of Path of Tranquility Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide. Arianne is also the founder of the Ultimate Belief Breakthrough Method™