When we wake up in the morning most of us have a subconscious limiting belief that our day is set in stone, and that we have no control over how it will unfold for us. What if we did have just a tiny bit of control? What if you could have a glimpse into what your day could look like? Think about that for a moment: how often do you wake up, lay in bed and think about how you’d like your day to look? How often do you set an intention for your day?
In-ten-tion – a thing intended, an aim or plan
In almost every yoga class that I attend the teacher talks about setting an intention for your practice that day- in hopes that it will spread out into the rest of your day. During the yoga practice your intention is used to keep you somewhat focused. I used to really struggle with this part of the practice. I had NO idea of what to intend. Then when I started to just let the words come to me without struggle I found my practice to be much deeper and more meaningful. And lately the word intention has been slipping itself into many areas of my life- not just in my yoga practice.
One of the beautiful things about being human is the ability to have fee will- free choice, free thought. No matter where you live or your circumstances, nobody can take away or change your thoughts. That’s all you Baby!
So, what does that have to do with intention? Well, what if first thing in the morning you set an intention for your day? Remember the definition of intention: ‘thing intended, or an aim or plan’. If you could make a soft plan for your day what would it be? Would you choose doom and gloom? Or would you choose something lighter, more fun, peaceful perhaps?
Do you have a choice? Of course you do! By setting an intention you’re giving yourself something to focus on, and that focus can be anything that you desire. Remember it’s about aiming for something and making a plan.
Here are some steps for intention setting:
1). Find Your Intention
Before you even get out of bed in the morning, take a moment and ask yourself ‘What intention do I want to set for myself today?’ Maybe it’s to feel joy, peace or to laugh more. Maybe it’s to allow more grace into your life, be kinder to your self? Or perhaps it’s to be more aware of your own breath. Be curious- there are no rules. Just let the intention come to you naturally.
2). Set Your Intention
Once you’ve found your intention the next step is to announce it to the world! OK, maybe not the whole world but at least announce it to yourself. Saying it out loud and really breathing it in will create space and energy in your day for the intention to be set.
3). Come Back to Your Intention
Let’s face it, life happens and sometimes we can run into daily challenges- both big and small. But that’s ok! Allow yourself to come back to your intention throughout the day as a reminder of what you chose to experience. Once again, repeat your intention and breathe! This will again open up space and energy for your intention to be felt.
When we hold onto the limiting belief that our day unfolds without us participating in it we’re actually handing our power over. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: in every moment we have a choice, so choose what you want, and set the intention. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised at how powerful it can be.
A Quote from TUT.com
“Intention, Arianne, is your gig.
Miracles are mine.
The Universe”
Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore-Armstrong, founder of Path of Tranquility Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide. Arianne is also the founder of the Ultimate Belief Breakthrough Method™