If you’re feeling depleted, run down, exhausted, unhappy, overwhelmed (really I could go on), than chances are you’re not listening to your inner voice.
Following your inner voice is truly the way to inner happiness. When we turn the other cheek to that soft, nurturing voice within, it means turning away from the ability to feed your soul or what I like to say ‘filling your own cup’.
I refer to this analogy often in my coaching because it really is true!Screen Shot 2014-09-19 at 11.10.37 AM
If you fill your cup with anything that feeds your Soul you’ll be able to offer to others the very best of your self. This way you give the ‘overflow’ of your cup to others. On the flip side if you’re cup is depleted then you’re scraping from the very bottom to give away; which can lead to anger, resentment and frustration and at times it can even lead to the breakdown of relationships, including the relationship you have with yourself- which is the most important one. This is your inner voice telling you to slow down and take care of yourself. If you allow yourself to stop and listen to that gentle nurturing voice within, you’ll be able to hear what’s needed. Then you can take the next step in filling your cup and in turn, feeding your soul.
As women we have this innate need to always be taking care of others. But when you’re feeling exhausted, tired and depleted of energy what are you giving to others? It’s like when you’re on an airplane and the crew is going through the safety policies and procedures: they talk about how if the oxygen level changes the oxygen masks will drop from the top console. Who’s mask do you put on first? YOURS- if you have no oxygen how can you help someone sitting next to you, whether that’s a child, your child, spouse, other family member or friend. If you don’t have OXYGEN what do you have?
An empty cup?
What takes you through the day with joy, excitement, inner peace and tranquility? It’s different for everyone. It can be working out, yoga, meditation, massage, spending time with family, alone time, reading, the list can go on and on. When you look at what makes you feel truly happy- this is what fills your cup.
When we take the time to do weekly or even daily things that help replenish ourselves it’s so much easier to flow through tasks. The daily grind doesn’t seem so rough anymore.
Give yourself permission to listen to your inner voice, to fill your cup, to feed your soul, and to breathe!
From my heart to yours!
Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore-Armstrong, founder of Path of Tranquility Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide. Arianne is also the founder of the Ultimate Belief Breakthrough Method™