Being your authentic self means asking the questions Who am I in the middle of my mess? Who am I being? Who do I want to be?
Recently these questions have been asked of me in some of my own training in life. As I reflected on a recent argument with someone that I love dearly I was able to clearly answer these questions.
Who am I in the middle of my mess?
Screen Shot 2014-09-12 at 12.46.38 PMThis answer scared me. I was a mess in my mess! I was scared, petrified, paralyzed in fear, angry, insecure and totally inauthentic. My actions didn’t follow what was in my heart; instead I was reacting out of triggers this argument was bringing up.
Who am I being?
Well, it was clear in hindsight that I was being very childlike. The thoughts going through my mind were full of manipulation and were very tantrum-like. If I had acted on every thought I experienced I would still be digging myself out of a big pile of sh*t.
Who do I want to be?
When I am faced with a situation that evokes negative emotions I want to be my authentic self! I want to respond with grace, love, compassion, and a sense of wholeness (for myself and anyone else involved). I want to be vulnerable and exercise patience – which has proven to be difficult for me, as I have struggled with being patient since I can remember.
If I had allow my authentic self to show up in my mess, it would make life so much easier. Being authentic truly brings with it a sense of inner peace. Even if the outcome of the situation isn’t quite what I desired, I can still be at peace because my actions were authentic to me.
I now lovingly invite you to ask the same questions? Think of a time or experience when you weren’t at your best. Who were you in the middle of your mess? Who were you being? Who did you want to be? Allow yourself to explore the answers with compassion, love and curiosity.
Asking yourself who you want to be allows space for your authentic self to show up even in times of difficulty.
‘Let us be who we long to be’
Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore-Armstrong, founder of Path of Tranquility Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide. Arianne is also the founder of the Ultimate Belief Breakthrough Method™