
Limiting Beliefs and the Risk of Surrendering to Change

by | Sep 5, 2014 | Meditation

Change might not always feel good- but if you hold onto the limiting belief that it will always feel bad, chances are that’s what your experience will be, and chances are you’ll fear creating change.

Change is inevitable and everywhere. Within each second every beautiful piece of nature is growing or dying- Screen Shot 2014-09-05 at 11.56.01 AMit’s running it’s course through the different seasons and therefore changing. Similar to nature humans change within each moment that passes: we may not see the changes with the naked eye but our bodies are in a constant state of healing, regenerating, or degenerating.
One of my all time favourite quotes is “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to change” by Anais Nim.

If you’re not in true alignment with what your heart and soul desires you just may find it painful to remain in that small little bud throughout life.

If something in your life isn’t working, what changes do you want to make? For most of us this question can spark a feeling of fear: fear of the unknown, fear of how change will occur, what it will feel like and even how it will affect others.

Fear is almost always sparked by a particular thought. So when you think of making changes- even if it means living the life of your dreams, some negative self-limiting beliefs can pop up, turning you into a fear mongrel. If you don’t look at the self-limiting belief and recognize it as untrue, chances are you’ll feed into the fear. This will only keep you stuck in the same patterns and habits, keeping you from reaching and living your desired life.

Change takes courage and strength and these qualities live in each and every one of us. At times making change might feel like you’re taking a risk but if you’re in alignment with your hearts desire than the outcome can be beautiful. If you allow yourself to hold a vision of what you want and it feels good- that’s not a mistake! Overcoming the limiting beliefs that keep you from creating that vision is the only thing holding you back from taking your first step towards a totally delicious life!

Sometimes you just have to let go, surrender to the change and embrace what the future holds. Staying stuck in a place that doesn’t honour or serve you in your life can be more painful than the actual change itself. Surrendering to change can actually be as beautiful as a flowering taking bloom.

So I encourage you to- take hold of your inner strength, see your vision and hold onto it tightly. Then if you feel any fear, ask yourself what thoughts are coming up. If they’re negative and limiting, recognize them as untrue, then fill yourself with true, positive and loving thoughts….and all of the pain and fear will melt away, leaving space for a bud to grow and expand into something beautiful, which is your life.

Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore-Armstrong, founder of Path of Tranquility Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide. Arianne is also the founder of the Ultimate Belief Breakthrough Method™