Lately there seems to be a common theme in my coaching sessions with clients and friends (yes Friends- I do coach you while we talk ;), and this common thread seems to be based around feeling stuck and their authentic self.
I feel that one of the biggest roles in allowing our authentic self to shine is acceptance. Acceptance of who we are, and especially of where we are ‘at’.
Ok- so I know that might sound a bit contradictory considering I’m a Life Coach and my role is to help my clients make changes, but there’s something to be said about acceptance.
Have you ever found yourself feeling a certain way about a situation that you just didn’t want to feel? Perhaps you had a conversation Acceptancewith someone that left you feeling angry or saddened, with negative thoughts flowing through your mind? Now let’s say that you didn’t want to feel this way, and you did everything possible to change those thoughts and feelings, but you found yourself to be unsuccessful. The more you tried the more frustrated and angry you became, which just perpetuates the undesirable thoughts/feelings to get stronger and stronger. Eventually you find yourself in a place of darkness and a feeling of heaviness.
The first step to shifting an undesirable feeling or thought is to just accept it. You can’t shift something if you don’t acknowledge the existence of it. It’s that old saying ‘It is what it is’. I know many people who absolutely detest this saying but I find it refreshing. It allows the heaviness to lift and a sense of relief to settle in.
Once you accept a certain thought or feeling, just allow it to be there for a while. There’s no need to rush it to exit door, just take your time. This feeling or thought is there for a reason- it’s the Universe letting you know that there’s still some work to be done.
Give yourself permission to bask in the awareness that you’re having some thoughts/feelings that are undesirable. Just give it time and the shift will come. Ha- that sentence just reminded me of the movie Field of Dreams, where Kevin Costner keeps hearing ‘If you build it they will come’. I guess it’s quite similar.
Ok, let’s all stop daydreaming about sexy movie actors! We’re here to learn!
Now, where was I….? Oh Right- acceptance.
Acceptance of thoughts and feelings is really connecting with your authentic Self. When we push and pull and kick and scream to shift something- this is not authentic! Your inner guidance- your authentic Self is asking you to just be aware, accept, and acknowledge these feelings.
This is where the magic truly happens! This is where expansion comes from and these moments are huge opportunities for personal growth.
Acceptance of any sort is truly being able to connect with your authentic Self, and from there you will see the beauty truly unfold.
Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore-Armstrong, founder of Path of Tranquility Life Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide.