
Change of Season, Change of Beliefs

by | Nov 9, 2013 | Meditation

As we start to enter into the winter months we tend to feel an inner desire to make some changes. Perhaps some of those changes are to eat differently: more hearty, comfort foods. Or our exercise routine may change: instead of being outdoors we may bring ourselves indoors for warmth, perhaps for a hot yoga class. As the snow starts to fall we find comfort in such things as a heavy blanket, a good book, and the wonderful ambiance of the fireplace.

As Fall and Winter come upon us we innately shift toward these physical changes. We find ourselves at this time of the year making changes based upon what feels right.

What about the emotional, mental, and spiritual changes? Does anything need to happen there? Are we aware of anything that needs to be shed from our inner thoughts, or even our inner programming?

Just this week I found myself feeling the need to hop into a hot yoga class, create time to read more books, and start to meal plan some really yummy dishes that have a warming effect on my body and Soul.

As I noted the changes in my routine I thought to myself what about the routine that I create in my mind? Or the spiritual aspect of my life? Do I feel the need to make any changes there?

Giving thought to what our inner practice is, is something that many of us don’t consciously think about. What is no longer serving you? Do you carry limiting beliefs, routines and/or habits that don’t align with you anymore?

As you start the process of hibernation I encourage you to take some much deserved quiet time and make a list: a list that includes any negative beliefs, thoughts, and habits that no longer serve you. What heavy weight do you carry that you’re ready to shed?

Then allow yourself to think about what lessons you gained from from them. Seriously, these beliefs, habits, and patterns on some level and at one time served some purpose for you, and you’re now ready to move towards something softer and more authentically YOU.

Once you have that list- give thanks! Finding gratitude in this awareness and the fact that you are ready to ‘let go’ of something that does not align with your true Self is a blessing!

Then ask yourself, what do I want to step into? What is it that I most desire?

Remember, the world is your oyster and you have the opportunity to create whatever it is that you want, but you just have to be clear on what that is.

Take the lessons that you’ve learned from the past and set the intention to bring them forth into this new journey that you are embarking on.

Be curious about what the Universe has to offer you, open your arms and be ready to embrace the beauty of the changes that you’re ready to make.

Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore, founder of Path of Tranquility Life Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide.