
Embracing Failure Might Actually Help You Connect With Your Authentic Self

by | Dec 4, 2014 | Meditation

When we can be ok with the possibility of failing at something: when we push through the fear that failure brings, we actually open up space for our true authentic self to shine.

In my previous post ‘Is Failing at Something Really Such a Bad Thing? Or is it Just a Limiting Belief?’ I discussed the idea that Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 12.04.34 PMfailing at something actually meant being human! And I promised to write about the other huge aspect of what it means to ‘not succeed’ at everything: Connection. So here it is!!

When we fail at something, for many of us, it can feel like life is over! This feeling of dread comes up, and if we’re not careful we find ourselves taking the staircase down the depths of darkness: a place that none of us wish to visit.

But if we can allow the idea that failure really means we’re human, and can expand and grow from it- this is truly a gift. When we allot the space to be ok with failing at something, it allows room for so much peace to enter our lives. To take this idea further: accepting ourselves as being human allows for a great sense of inner connection to our true selves.

Can this affect our relationship with others?

Absolutely! If we don’t give ourselves the room to make mistakes or fail at something, we generally don’t make the room for others to do the same either. This actually causes separation in the relationships that we have. If you’re really hard on yourself, constantly judging, and hold extremely high expectations- chances are you’re doing the same to those in your life.

I can’t tell you how many times I have been paralyzed by the fear of failing at something. I worried about criticism and judgment from others. What I was really doing was judging and criticizing myself.

When I actually let myself be ok with the possible outcome of failing at something, it gave me a great sense of relief. When I realized that I didn’t have to be perfect and I could make mistakes, fail and flounder, I started to really love that part of myself (most days)

The other huge thing it did for me- was allow room for other people in my life to make their own mistakes. I found that there was a level of acceptance in my closest relationships. I even found myself loving others more due to their own failures or mistakes, because I could totally appreciate them for being human and there’s nothing more beautiful than that connection.

Great connection always starts with yourself. The next time you set a goal or feel inspired to do something- go for it! If and when that fear of failure creeps up, embrace it as part of being human. We won’t always succeed at everything- nobody does. Even Super Heroes fail sometimes And that’s ok! When you can shift your perspective at what failing actually means: being human, you allow yourself to connect with you true authentic self. This in turn makes room for a beautiful connection with others.

Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore-Armstrong, founder of Path of Tranquility Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide. Arianne is also the founder of the Ultimate Belief Breakthrough Method™