
Bringing Authentic Self-Love to your New Year

by | Dec 31, 2014 | Meditation

For years now, many of us ring in the New Year with resolutions of how we can enhance our lives: healthier, wiser, nicer, thinner, etc. and most times these resolutions align with our authentic self, especially if it feels inspiring.

Screen Shot 2014-12-31 at 1.09.10 PMIf you want to set a resolution that helps you better your life, I’m all for that and would like to support you on that journey! So, I’ve created a beautiful challenge that will not only help you stay on track with some of your New Year’s resolutions, but will guide you to a beautiful inner transformation. It all starts from the inside out!

When I married my husband we set up a time capsule, where our guests could write a wish for us and we wouldn’t open it until our 5th wedding anniversary in 2018. I loved the idea that these little gems were being written on a piece of paper and placed in a box that held so much loving intent. I also saw that Elizabeth Gilbert (one of my favourite authors) has a happiness jar! Where she puts daily moments of happiness in it and reads them at a later date.

My challenge to you is similar, and based on acts of self-love and authenticity, because being more aware of how we treat ourselves is something that is really lacking in our daily lives.

Upon coaching my clients I’ve found that they are rarely, if ever, are aware of how self-love enters into their lives. In my opinion one of life’s biggest tragedies is to move through life without having an ounce of awareness in self love, and acceptance. So here’s my Self-Love Challenge, there’s only 5 simple steps to get started:

  1. I want you to get a container of some sort: a box, plastic container, huge jar etc.. If the container is bland and boring then decorate it! Put your essence on it by making it beautiful, so that it puts a smile on your face when you look at it. I have a friend who is using a shoe box and decorated it with wrapping paper with butterflies on it. Every time she looks at it, it reminds her of the gentleness and freedom that butterflies have. The photo below is the container that I’ve chosen for myself. I LOVE IT!!!!
  2. This part is super easy: Grab some paper! Any kind- fancy, plain, checkered, stripped. Just get some paper!
  3. Find a pen! Phew- that was easy as well. Any pen will do, but do your best to ensure that this pen will not stray from the paper and container. There shall be no excuses for NOT doing this exercise daily (including a missing pen).
  4. Find a sacred place to put your container: a place that you will see daily.
  5. DAILY: near the end of each day this year, take time to reflect on what your day brought to you, and write down one thing you did that was loving towards yourself!

Self-loving acts come in all shapes and sizes, and if you’re not familiar with what self-love ‘looks’ like here are a few questions you can ask yourself if you find yourself getting stuck:

  • If you had a stressful day, what did you do to unwind, relax, and let go?
  • How did you allow joy and happiness to enter into your day (’cause that’s all you baby!)?
  • What put a smile on your face?
  • What act or activity honoured you?
  • How did you fulfill  your own needs?

The options here are limitless: did you have a long soak in the bath, a well needed conversation with your spouse/friend, a yummy latte, did you go the gym or yoga class? What did you do that made you feeeeeeeeel good?

I want you to see how many ways in which you can be loving towards yourself! It’s not often that we stop to reflect on the good deeds we do for ourselves. Even within our other New Years resolutions there’s self love, but we need to be more aware of it. This is a great exercise to bring more awareness of our own authentic self through self-loving acts!

And when you’re having a low day (which we all have) you can just grab some of the pieces of paper and read them. Remembering what it was like to do something so loving for yourself, can really raise your spirits.

During the year I will be posting some of my moments of self-love on my FaceBook page , so if you’d like to follow me or post your own, I’d love to share in this journey with you. To follow me on Facebook click here.

Happy New Year to you and may 2015 bring you all that you desire, and deserve!

Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore-Armstrong, founder of Path of Tranquility Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide. Arianne is also the founder of the Ultimate Belief Breakthrough Method™