
When We Bring in Source, We Break Down Limiting Beliefs

by | Jan 21, 2015 | Meditation

As these beautiful Souls that travel the earth we have a tendency and a ‘need’ to know everything, which is truly a limiting belief.

For most of us, when we think of our future we have a plan of some sort: a vision of how we want things to unfold, how we want to feel and what we’d like to experience. Some of us can have very lose plans, where others might have a plan that’s marked Screen Shot 2015-01-21 at 11.12.39 AMdown to the very last second.

For example, you may be planning a cross-country road trip. Super exciting! Your plan consists of the following: you know how many miles to travel each day, where you’re going to stay overnight, the sights you’ll be stopping to see, and even the food you’ll eat. Which is all totally cool!

But, what happens if the course goes off track? What happens if a wrench gets thrown into your plans? Perhaps your car breaks down, or there’s a road block that takes you on a crazy detour. Now what?

There are so many things in life that we have absolutely no control over- and to think otherwise is truly a limiting belief, and can get you into some hot water.

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘everything happens for a reason’. I really resonate with this statement and believe it to be true because I feel there’s something to be learned or taken away from every experience that we encounter. Even (and especially) undesirable ones.

So what can we do when our plans get derailed, and we’re thrown off track in life?

1) Get Quiet.

Shhhhhh! When we found ourselves upside down and inside out because we feel things are falling apart, it’s next to impossible to think clearly. If we can take a few breaths, bring our attention and focus within, and set an intention to clear our minds, only then can we start to receive information that will help us on our journey, and allow our next steps to be authentic.

2) Ask the Question: What does Source want me to know about this experience?

Once we’re experiencing some inner-quiet we can ask the question of God, Universe, Source (whatever you choose to believe and have faith in), ‘what does Source want you to know about this experience?’ Being a clear channel for this information to download will only come if you’re inner-being is quiet. And once we get to that place we’ll be able to stop and ask the question for more clarity on our situation. There is a reason for everything- and we’re not always privy to that information at first. But if we can stop and actually ask the question, we have a better opportunity to find the answers we’re looking for.

3) Listen

Once we’ve asked the question we must continue to be still in order to receive the information. By stillness I don’t mean standing still or sitting still, although that might help at first. But an inner stillness. Continue to quiet our mind and still have the intention set to connect with Source will bring us closer to the answer. It will come in difference forms for each person. Some may see a vision or a picture, while others will get a feeling or actually hear something! Whatever and however, trust that you are receiving information that is meant for you!

Having a plan is a good thing but being flexible is even better! Needing to know everything is truly a limiting belief that can really cause a lot of suffering throughout our lives, because in the big picture the Universe has even better plans for us! We just need to remember that. And when our plans don’t pan out- allowing ourselves to connect with our inner-being, Source, Universe, to know what direction to take, can ease any suffering and create a great sense of inner peace.

Calgary Canada Life Coach Arianne Moore-Armstrong, founder of Path of Tranquility Coaching for Women, helps clients worldwide. Arianne is also the founder of the Ultimate Belief Breakthrough Method™