Episode 12: Relationship with Opinion

Episode 12: Relationship with Opinion

Episode 12. Opinions! Is it okay to offer someone your opinion when they haven’t asked for it? Is your unsolicited (unasked/unwanted) opinion heart-centered or is there something else going on underneath your need to give your opinion? Often opinions come from...
Episode 11: Relationship with Sex

Episode 11: Relationship with Sex

Episode 11. What is your relationship with SEX? How comfortable are you in talking about it? Was the topic of sex ever discussed in your family? What did you learn about sex when you were growing up and what have you learned about it as an adult? Do you cringe when...
Episode 10: Relationship with Feelings

Episode 10: Relationship with Feelings

Episode 10. Feelings… we all have them. Yup, we are these human beings with feeeeeelings, which doesn’t mean that we allow ourselves to acknowledge the different range of feelings available to us. In today’s society, we are inundated with different...